The did one side of the roof each day beginning with the east side. Here's a pic of the roof on the kitchen wing late Wednesday afternoon:

On Thursday they worked on the west side of the roof. they had to stop briefly mid-day for a pretty heavy shower, but were back on the roof shortly thereafter. Here's another late-day pic:

They arrived this morning and immediately started on the pent roof on the front of the house. It's basically three courses of shingles to protect the big cove cornice that runs between the second and third stories of the house. I took the opportunity to take a few pics once the shingles were removed from the pent roof since we don't generally get a chance to see the construction of this area. In the following pick you can see the sheathing that exists under the shingles of the pent roof. No flashing is used in this situation because the shingles tuck up under the projecting bricks of the belt course (you can just see this to the left of the man's arm in the photo). No plywood or cedar breather will be used either.

While some of the crew worked on the pent roof, on roofer was working on the flashing around the kitchen chimney. You may recall that the roofer decided to go with traditional step flashing instead of the lower-profile flashing option recommended by the masons. This is how the chimney looked at about noon today.

Since the roofers were working above each entrance to the building we closed the Amstel House today. I had hoped we would re-open it late this afternoon but as of now (3:10 pm) they are still cleaning up the area under the pent roof and working on the kitchen roof. We'll be back to business tomorrow!
Nice post - shingles photos ..Keep Posting
shingles photos