Tonight is our NCCHAP workshop on fireplace and chimney preservation. But before the workshop, I will meet with our architect and mason to discuss our current progress.
The masons were not on site today, pending the outcome of the meeting above. The roofers were at the Dutch House though and were making progress on the roof. The owner of the roofing company came out mid-day to take a look at the progress.
Later in the afternoon, our architect had a look at the roof and was generally pleased with the progress though needed to address some flashing installation issues with the roofers. It seems that they cut a reglet into the brick rather than into the mortar. This weakens the brick so the architect told them to re-cut the reglet in the mortar, making sure that their previous reglet was fully covered by the flashing. Unfortunately, we now have some cuts in the chimney brick that are unnecessary. However, at least they will not be visible once the flashing is correctly installed - though the flashing itself may be slightly higher than it would have been if done correctly initially.
The evening workshop went well with 25 people in attendance (SRO). Here's a couple of pics from the workshop:

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